• "The Voyager" Lyrics - I have it all- A song for everything And still nothing, Writing lyrics only I Can understand. Left dry and thirsty For something more, Someplace more....
    9 years ago

Monday, March 20, 2006

What's that new little box?

Rent My Blog. That's the new little feature I decided to add here. Kind of like paid advertising, only without money involved.

It's all through BlogExplosion, which you need to be a member of in order to have a chance to be in on it. Basically you pay x amount of points to be listed for a week. I keep the number low so everyone can be included if they want.

So say hello to the new renter, From the Morning. I've read a bit of this blog and even though I'm not exactly Christian (I think my guys are though), I like the author's words and writing style. (And I totally support religious tolerance.) Go check it out if you've got the time. The posts are well thought out and often entertaining.

Plans for today?
I'm not sure yet. I know I have to work at 5 pm, but I don't really know what I'm doing before then. I want to work some more on "October" and a couple other things. And it's also snowing at the moment, so I'll have to go out and shovel the walk at some point. (Bleh.)

Today's supposed to be the first day of spring (Ostara), and look at that! SNOW! Cold, wet, annoying snow. Where's the warm weather and sunshine?

1 comment:

MTR said...

Thanks for the kind words!