• "The Voyager" Lyrics - I have it all- A song for everything And still nothing, Writing lyrics only I Can understand. Left dry and thirsty For something more, Someplace more....
    9 years ago

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

They're heeeere..

Hey guys, I'm back! (Run away!)

I know, I know.. it's been almost two months since I last updated. But now I have internet at the "new" apartment and plenty of time to keep up with everything.

So what have I been doing with my time? Working, writing, practicing, and hanging with the crew. And cleaning.. not to mention that my kitchen skills have improved greatly. I can now make hamburger helper without supervision.

We've also got a new band lineup-
vocals/keys: Raivyn
guitars: Dave
bass: Jason
drums: JR

The website isn't yet updated to include the new lineup, but check it out anyway. And add us on MySpace. You know you want to.


Michele said...

Welcome back!

Unknown said...

Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hamburger Helper huh. Wow. Soon you'll be able to move up to warming leftovers.

EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

Girl you need a good Man to "whip you into shape."

FoOliSh said...

Nice one
chect ou this
if you like it so mail me at
so we can exchange the link with others